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FREE SHIPPING 100+ (Domestic) SHOP NOW and Pay Later with AfterPay and ShopPay


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Pre-Black Friday


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of the Year


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Join our PRE-SALE Mailing List for ACCESS

Join our Pre SALE Mailing LIST to get exclusive access to the BEST SALE of the season, before BlACK FRIDAY!
Best Price Guaranteed or we will refund the difference!

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Enjoy Free shipping on ALL orders $100+ along with beautiful packaging that can be sent directly to the giftee!

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Best Price Guaranteed. We are guaranteeing that this will be the best price all year or we will refund the difference. Beat the holiday rush and shop early!

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Shop early to ensure your item is in stock and available in time for the holidays. Worldwide shipping delays are expected, so don't wait!

[/col] [/row] [/section] [message_box bg_color="rgb(192, 24, 24)" padding="36"] [row v_align="middle"] [col span__sm="12" align="center"] [ux_video url=""] [/col] [/row] [/message_box] [title text="See why our customers love us..."] [row v_align="equal" padding="30px 30px 30px 30px" depth="2" depth_hover="5"] [col span="4" span__sm="12"] [testimonial image="8625" image_width="121" pos="center" name="Gerard M." company="(verified owner)"]

I Love It!! I attended a birthday party over the weekend and my necklace was a big hit. Several thought it was a part of my shirt until I moved and then they wanted to know where I got it.

[/testimonial] [/col] [col span="4" span__sm="12"] [testimonial image="28059" image_width="121" pos="center" name="Romesha E." company="(verified owner)"]

So…I purchase 5 of these beauties (1 large and 4 small). They are amazingly beautiful. Since I have 2 black, 1 red, 1 orange and a large gold…I am all set. Wear them together or in a pair or allow one to take its own space.

[/testimonial] [/col] [col span="4" span__sm="12"] [testimonial image="9611" image_width="121" pos="center" name="Anita G." company="(verified owner)"]

I was really Excited when I received my Necklace ! It is amazing !! Will surely be ordering more pieces !! Thanks

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Send directly to the giftee

Ship Directly to the giftee and add a personal handwritten note, with beautiful packaging on all orders over $25.

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Ensure you don't miss it by joining our Pre SALE SMS LIST!

We will notify you by text about our BEST SALE of the season, before BlACK FRIDAY - Best Price Guaranteed or we will refund the difference!

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Copyright © 2021 Cloth & Cord, LLC

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